COPAS was created in 1961 to provide a forum for discussing and solving the more difficult problems related to accounting for oil & gas. COPAS has grown to 24 local Societies and over 2,700 members in the United States and Canada.
COPAS places strong emphasis in providing quality educational materials related to oil & gas accounting. Local Societies offer educational programs. COPAS also sponsors a certification program called the Accredited Petroleum Accountants Program (APA).
Some advantages of COPAS membership include:
A network of knowledgeable industry peers
Opportunities to participate in setting industry accounting guidelines
Educational opportunities
Opportunities to develop leadership skills
Social events
Our Mission
COPAS of Dallas is dedicated to the following principles and purposes:
to provide members an opportunity to study and analyze accounting, auditing and other problems in the petroleum industry and to exchange constructive ideas relating to such problems;
to associate with persons engaged in petroleum accounting for the mutual benefit of all;
to study taxation as applied to the petroleum industry;
to work with other appropriate organizations on matters relating to petroleum finance and accounting;
to inform the public on matters concerning the petroleum industry;
to provide representation to the Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies (COPAS) and to be involved in local and national COPAS projects and activities.